Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fishing And A Rainbow

 I told Devin I would bring him into Park Rapids to fish. I brought along a book and lawn chair and he got busy. First gathering snails and clams to use for bait. I couldn't watch. It must of worked....
He caught a northern and the only reason I know it's it a northern is because Devin told me. My responds is always "oh you caught a fish. In other words, they all look like fish to me.
While Devin was fishing I was reading but distracted by a couple loud gulls.

Then came the bass, which I was told was what he was trying to catch in the first place.
We ended the day at home with a thunderstorm and a rainbow.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Boat Ride

I am still struggling with my depression and grief so I disappeared for awhile. I tend to get the teenage mood of "whatever" when I hit a new low. However, yesterday I needed to get out of the house. So I threw a fit to get Brian and Devin to cooperate.
We have lived here 2 years and I had yet to go out on a boat ride with them. So... That's what we did.

We came across several Loons. We hear them at night if the windows are open.

I believe this is a heron.

These are my favorite. I have been seeing these two on the way home (in the car) but they always run off before I can get a photo. We were going slow in the boat  so they didn't run off. The fawn still has it's spots.

I took this of Devin and told him I was going to name it Mad Dog Devin

He was mad because when we were done he wanted to go to a different lake to fish. I told him I would take him today. 

I will leave you with a few pictures of the lake.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Today's Entertainment

At first I thought it was mean but as I watched it I realized it was entertaining for everyone.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Wow, I disappeared for almost a week. I have no excuse. I can say that I am starting to feel almost "normal" again. Please ignore the word almost and don't ask me what normal means. :)
The smile for today...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Penny The Diaper Head Dog

My sister, Sherry has rescued a dog that they named Penny. She will be spayed soon. In the meantime, Penny has gone in to heat. So Sherry's solution was to cut a hole in a diaper for Penny's tail and put the diaper on the dog. She was walking by the dog bed, when she noticed this....

 Somehow she managed to get the diaper off her butt and then onto her head. 

This is what Penny looks like without the diaper.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cooper And His Turtle

Cooper patrols are yard when he's outside. Yesterday he was barking and barking and barking. Brian finally went to see what had his attention.

I made Brian bring it into the garage to get a photo before he released him on the other side of our road. He was in his shell. I'm sure he was trying to get away from the barking. This is the second one Cooper has found.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Fur Flies....

I've been on this side of depression for the last 2-3 weeks and have been finding it difficult to do much of anything, but even that gets exhausting after awhile. So yesterday I made myself clean the house and when I was all done.... Cooper was at the sliding glass doors covered in mud.

He went right to the shower where I found what looked like a bite on his head. So we went, wet dog and all to the vet where they shaved his head. Found out that he just had a big raw spot on his head. Possibly stung by a wasp or who knows.... I'm thinking next time I'm going to ask them to do a design of some sort in his fur as long as we're there.

Poor Puppy

Saturday, June 11, 2011


I'm tired and haven't been sleeping well this week, I am going to be lazy and post a funny. I know I always like a good giggle. This one always makes me laugh.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: Hummingbirds .... Finally

I finally managed to get a few shots
The first time I heard the sound of a hummingbird, I thought it was a really large bee buzzing around. I hate bee's and tend to run and scream "bee, bee" when one is near me. I have amused my parents neighbors for years.

I can't keep up with their food demands!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fun Finds

Well these are a few of the things I found while out shopping with my company a couple weeks ago.
The bubble bowl up front has a yellow tint to it.
A lot of Anchor-Hocking

 I found more of these. I had three of them but I managed to break one. Which is why I didn't keep them for myself, even though I really love them.

I think I'll be keeping these bowls for myself. I don't know where or how but my bowls keep disappearing. We just call this "The black hole effect"

And the last....

Archie Bunker For President Goblet.
It has Edith, Gloria, and Meat-head (was his name Mike on the show?)
I thought it was funny and fun!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Graduation Day

It is another day of wondering what could have been. What should have been. I still have the overwhelming feeling that everything is "wrong". I suppose that with such a big part of life suddenly gone, that I will always feel as if I am missing a large part of the whole me.

Your Dad and I chose to look at this day differently because I cannot deal with crying over your loss with a crowd, because I, essentially spend some of everyday doing the would have been, should have been. Your Dad probably has a better outlook, honoring what he knows  would have been a very proud day for you. I cry for that. That we cannot share that together with you, Brandon and Devin.

I wish that I could bribe you with money so we didn't have to have a graduation party. Not having one because you are gone, breaks my heart and my spirit.
We laugh often over memories of you, it gives all of us an ache knowing there will be no more good and fun ones coming our way.

More than holidays, these first things that should have happened for you are what I feel the most. Getting your drivers license, going to prom and now graduating from high school.

Once again I am left with only a few short words.

I love you and miss you so much
Happy graduation day

If I could have a lifetime wish, a dream that would come true.
I'd pray to God with all of my heart for yesterday and you.
A thousand words can't bring you back; I know because I have tried.
And neither can a million tears; I know, because I have cried.
You left behind my broken heart and happy memories too.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Super Easy Summer Dessert And Stuff

 Yesterday I felt like I was in slow motion all day. I went and picked up Roxy. The vet's orders to keep her calm and not let her jump around is almost impossible. She sits and bites Copper's feet to get him going so then the play is on. We had to put Roxy in Devin's room with Devin to keep them apart so stitches remain put.
The whole thing makes me queasy, I have little stomach for wounds, I generally do the fainting routine, to the great amusement of my family. When Brian was going through paramedic training he would show me pictures. The only time he amused me was when he started coming home and holding my hand. It wasn't any romantic gesture. He was looking at the veins on the back of my hands. I told my in-laws after umpteen years of being married he's looking at me in a whole new way.

So now that I have that out of my system, here's a easy and tasty recipe:
I had a piece. It was good!

Mix up some instant vanilla pudding. When it's set, add a tub of cool whip.
 Cut up an angel food cake (I use store bought, that's why it's super easy!)
Place the angel food in a 13 x 9 pan. Cover with the vanilla and cool whip mix.
Then add a can of raspberry pie filling over the top. Of course if you like something like strawberries or cherries that would probably be good too.
Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gone To The Dogs

Sami always looks at me with a question in her eyes. That question is "where's my food?"

Cooper and Roxy wear each other out.

Roxy at 5 months old

Roxy at about 3 months

I have to pick Roxy up at the vet tomorrow. She was spayed. As we left her at the vet, I felt like I was abandoning her. Poor Cooper has been depressed without his playmate.

Just for laughs

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: Poor Baby

I am not sure what type of bird this is, possibly a warbler. Maybe someone can fill me in. Anyhow the story on how I came to hold the poor thing, I was sitting on my couch trying to get more things listed in my Bonanza booth but failing miserably. I was crying and I suppose feeling sorry for myself. In less than a week Alyssa should be graduating from high school. It hurts that we are not crying because another of our babies is grown and trying to figure out how we go so far, seemingly so fast.
I heard a thud and saw this poor thing had hit the window and was laying on his back. It took about 5 minutes before he/she finally flew out of my hand. So I am hoping the bird is okay and only stunned.
It reminded me for a moment that I am still alive and apparently still have things to do.
On the funny side... later that day Devin was saying something and I covered his mouth and he licked my hand. So I showed him this picture and told him the bird pooped in my hand.
What? I thought it was funny. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Sister Stories From Texas

My sister Sherry called to let me know on the way out of her apartment she ran into one of these and freaked out.
I've decided I love Minnesota and wood ticks and well, I still don't like winter and I will complain about it loud and long but I NEVER want to see one of these.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Cold Front

My Sister and her family moved to Texas earlier this year. She called me the other day laughing. She was watching the news and they said it would be in the 90's for a couple days and then a cold front would be moving in. It would then be 88 degrees. Brrr. Glad I'm not there!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife:The Good Weather Birds Are Here

Well I've got my hummingbird feeders out and they are lapping it up. Getting a picture has proven tougher than I thought. They are not shy birds but I suppose like all birds they spook easily. I have the bird feeder out front right by the window so they see movement in the house while I am trying to get a picture.
Go figure...I was surprised that I was able to get a photo of the orioles. Since they are a shy bird.

The grosbeaks have been listening to the music box song that I have been trying to figure out. They freaked Brian out. He looked at me and asked if there was a bird in the house. Ah, no the windows are open.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial

Watching the Casey Anthony trial opening statements. Wow. If Caylee died in a swimming pool accident why is there duct tape around her head and mouth?  If she drown in the pool why would her father, help hide Caylee, as a cop I don't think he would panic over an accident. Roy Kronk involved in hiding the body?
There sure is a lot of conspiracy in this trial for an average family.
How will they explain the chloroform both on her computer searches and near the body and smell in her trunk of her car?
So many questions and likely no answers.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Evil Clowns

 I spent half of yesterday and part of today trying to identify a music box song. No luck. Brian and I are both sure we know it, it just won't come out of the brain cells. So I gave up (for now).

So I am going through more clowns that are giving me fits in research.These are from my mom's clown collection and trying to list them and I come across these.

They remind me of Stephen King's "It" I expect to see them smile with pointy teeth while saying my name.
Hallelujah I am almost at the end except for the two giving me fits!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Trying To Catch Up

I am back to a quiet house and am now playing catch up. I listed more of the clowns from my mom's collection that she is giving up. Is that a shameless plug? Or do I need to add the URL  ( www.alyssawish.com). Any how I still need to take pictures of a whole lot more and list that as well.

Not to mention the shopping I did. So I'll have to post a picture here of my haul. I love looking and buying, even though I really don't need anymore inventory. Not to mention the temptation to keep a few things for myself. Brian's thrilled. ( How do you get sarcasm to come through the written word?).

 And today's picture.

I have old sheets and blankets covering my couch because Roxy and Cooper love playing out in the rain and mud. I have to push Sami out the door she doesn't like getting wet. I try to tell her she won't melt but I don't think she believes me. There is nothing like the smell of wet dog to let you know spring has finally arrived!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gone For A Week

Company is coming and I am cleaning. Be Back Soon!
In the meantime.... I wish I had a cat! :)