Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reading Glasses, Granny Chains And Gray Hair. OH MY!

I thought they were cute! My Husband keeps telling me to get bi-focals. Who needs them! I have these glorified magnifying glasses. For my birthday he's promised to get me a granny chain since I have a habit of putting things down and then forget where that was exactly.
 As for the gray let them come (and they are). I am too lazy to dye my hair. My son tries to pull them out. Then I have to explain that every time he does three more grow back.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I don't have any wildlife photos today. I have been going around in my head about things going on in my area. Because we live in rural MN the nearest town is 2 miles away and has a small grocery store, Post Office, Bar, and the Combo bait/cafe/gas station, Pop. about 770.  The next largest town, where my son goes to school, is 10 miles away and has a Pop. of about 3300. So when I say my local area the news runs in a wide circle about 50 miles in any direction, give or take.

Last week there were 2 couples that became a statistic. Murder-Suicide. It is unbelievable to me that this happens. I suppose because I have never been in a do or die relationship, while I love my husband, I don't believe that we can't live without each other. I could keep on going with the wondering but I think that sometimes in life there is no answer to the "Why?"

That question is always brought home to me. Through design or not. How did I get here? What decision did I make that put me here. What could I have done differently? If I did it differently where would I be? And the one it all comes down to... Would Alyssa still be here?

I don't believe that we can stop asking why or searching for answers. Human nature demands we search and try to find them. It is the only way to fix the broken. 

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."
Ernest Hemingway  A Farewell to Arms, 1929

Sorry not so light today!

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Neice

My sister posted this picture of her daughter on facebook. 
A few great comments:
Her face matches her shirt
She looks like Mimi from the Drew Carey show
I hope her make-up choices improve with age
I think this is an 8 x 10 that she can appreciate in her teen years

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: The Bald Eagle

Lately in our wanderings we've been seeing bald eagles flying in circles in the area. 
I wasn't able to get a picture. It would have just looked like this:   .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brian And The Toaster

Brian is no longer allowed to make his own toast. Every time he tries to use it, he sets off the fire alarms in the house. They are all wired in through the electricity so if one goes off, they all go off.
The dogs love it. It is a howling good time!
I thought hubby was going to throw a fit the last time. That day I was the last to use the toaster and he looked at me as the alarms were breaking eardrums and said "I didn't even move the setting"

I can only guess it's some type of past life karma.
Brian 0. Toaster 10 (it might actually be higher I'm usually too busy laughing to keep track.)

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Husband Thinks He's Funny

 What I got in my e-mail last night. The first one I received threatened my immediate arrest.
D..C. 20535-0001
NUMBER +234-808-184-8416
Date; 08/03/2011.
I told Brian " I got another e-mail from the FBI."
He responded, " Is there a reward?"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: The Bed Hogs

I don't know what they have against blankets but they are all on the floor.
Doesn't Sami look comfortable?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekend Thrifting

I spent the weekend with my son going to thrift stores in the area. He did fine while shopping but apparently he is worried about my driving skills. I have managed to scare Cooper. He won't get in the car with anyone with anymore.


Anyway I did manage to find a few things but I can't convince Devin to go back with me.

I love the tall glass in the middle but I am keeping the one to the right. My great-grandma use to have these small juice glasses. Nostalgia.

Monday, March 14, 2011

If You Want Something Done

Before Brian left for his vacation. He put up some shelves for me (after I took his shelves, sometime to get something done you have to make a point). This was so I could organize my merchandise for Alyssa's Wish on Bonanza. I have to work hard to be organized, it is not a skill that comes easy to me.

When we moved here nearly 3 years ago now, I told my mom I was going to keep our new home very neat and organized. She laughed hysterically. I am not failing at this. It is, however taking longer than I thought it would.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

6 A.M. Wake-Up Call

This morning, a lovely Sat. morning with no reason to rush out of bed, I woke up to barking.
Our new love puppy Ace was protecting me from this.

Big Bad Fred

I have been doing spring cleaning, even though it's still really cold here and doesn't feel like spring.
Fred got moved from the back of the closet to the front and well apparently he looks like he might take everyone out. It must be the evil smile!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Run Around

My husband is getting ready to leave for Arizona. He's going to help move his parents from there to Florida. I don't believe he needs to be gone for 2 weeks but that's how long he's going to be gone.
So we have been running around trying to get things done. We usually move at a more leisurely pace.
During one outing we came home to this. The plant didn't make it.
I think it would be cheaper to buy my own carpet cleaner than rent one over and over and over again.
The Culprit???

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A New Family Member

We seem to be suckers for dogs around here. We are owned by 2 great dogs. Sami is the very first dog I ever had. My dad always said he didn't believe in having a dog when you lived in the city. He considered it cruel. I always believed that was a lie. He was obsessed with his lawn. We were not allowed to play on the lawn so having a dog do it's business on his grass would have been unthinkable.

We have had Sami for 9 years now. She has always been my dog. Isn't she cute?

After we moved to the woods with land for dogs to run and play, we adopted Cooper from our local shelter. He is almost 2 years old now. He is the sweetest dog. A 60 pound lap dog, or so he thinks.
He is always coming up with new and fascinating games. This is one he loves.


On Thursday we brought home a new dog from the animal shelter. His name is Ace. We are still getting to know him. He's very friendly and can play for hours on end.


I need to work on my picture taking skills.