Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: The Circle Of Life

Thank god I don't have to see more than this! Cooper and Roxy came out of the woods with some big bones yesterday. I can only assume "deer". I sent Brian a text saying "The dogs brought home big bones. More bodies?" He responded "cool". Should I worry?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Just Bought...

I found these and thought they had to go up by Alyssa's picture.
This is where I found them.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fresh Air

The windows are open and it smells like watermelon. Weird I know but it is sunny, warm and fresh.
It finally feels like spring. Happy Birthday Brandon!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Smoke Free for 2 weeks

I bought an electronic cigarette and wow it feel just like smoking so I don't feel as if I am missing anything. I haven't had a "real" cigarette for 2 weeks tomorrow.
I can really "smoke" it anywhere in the house. There is no smell, and while I haven't ever burned down the house, I don't have to worry it could happen, at least not because of smoking. (Did I turn off the coffee pot? or Is Brian making toast again?).
I honestly didn't think it would work, after trying the patch and having a really bad reaction to the adhesive. As well as going cold turkey only to start again.
So far so good!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife: Turkey Territory And A Snow Fall

When we see turkeys in the area usually you see 3 or more likely a group of them.

This turkey was just wandering through our yard looking for the rest of the clan. She disappeared in the woods behind the house.

In other news, this it what it is doing outside right now.

I Hate Snow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Have My Eye On A New Toy

Someone recommend this to me. I have been thinking about it since.
 I did a little research and still cannot decide between the Kindle and the Nook.
I wonder if it would be an easier decision if I could try them both first or if I would still be going back and forth.
Brian asked me to look up a couple of textbooks for him to see if you could get those for the e reader. You can. Who knew?
Although then we'd have to get 2 or there would be arm wrestling matches for who gets to use it and when.

If anyone has one of these reader, please give me your 2 cents.

Monday, April 18, 2011


We went to my parents Sat. for an early Easter despite 5 inches of snow that fell that night before. My son and his girlfriend were there. It was nice. Along the way Devin took photos.  He likes to take random pictures.

Speaking of snow, were getting more as I speak. On the positive side I saw the grass in our yard for a day!
The cold I have keeps kicking me down. I haven't napped so much since I was 4 yrs old. I did pass it on to my youngest. Which I figure is payback for the cold he gave me earlier in the year.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Roxy And Cooper And Wood Ticks.

I have been fighting off a cold so it might take a few days to get back up and going. In the mean time I'll leave these photos for oohs and ahhs.

Cooper and Roxy need naps often from all the wild and crazy playing. It takes a lot of energy.
Oh and the wood ticks are now out in great quantity. What I like to call the feel yourself up season!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scam:kathy@tebye And I Answered!

 I received an e-mail from Kathy Lagoli after posting my e-mail on a blog giveaway. I found out later that it is apparently a scam. The e-mail said "hey you didn't answer me are you still in business?"
Now I don't know if she was confused and hadn't sent me an e-mail or if I simply don't recall another e-mail. Either way, I answered her e-mail and then found out it was a scam. I blocked her but she may come back in another incarnation.

Anyway, Kathy seems to be quite busy with e-mailing. Just a heads up.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Up In Smoke

Hello! My name is Lisa and I am a smoker.
I started smoking around about the time I was 17, which means I have been a smoker for about 25 years. Brian was a smoker when I met him too. Somehow he managed to drop cigarettes like a hot potato several years ago. He can't figure out why it's not so easy for me to quit.

I quit through my pregnancies and once for a year and 1/2. About 6 months after I quit (during that year and a half) my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had a lobectomy (part of his lung removed). I am happy to say he has been cancer free for 5 years today. After watching him go through that I thought I will never smoke again. Which only goes to prove never say never.

This past week we brought our son to the doctor and he managed to work around with the doctor that he would like me to quit so that I would live to see him graduate from high school, which is only a few short years away. My husband piped up that he had heard me on the phone with my sister asking her about the electronic cigarette. Of course the doctor started saying she had several patients who swear by it.
So... I have ordered one and we will see.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Wildlife:

This bird has been coming around for a few days now. Trying to get a good picture was tough.

Every time we moved to get a better view, he would fly away. Although the dogs barking didn't seem to bother him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ever Hopeful

This scene plays out at our house at every meal. Cooper naps and Sami watches every bite in hopes that something will end up on the floor and in her tummy. Occasionally she gets lucky.
Geez, you accidentally drop a hot dog on her head and she gets the idea that another lucky day is around the corner.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Roxy and Devin

We have 3 dogs. We adopted Cooper 2 years ago in June. He will be 2 years old this month. Happy Birthday Cooper! We did a trial adoption of Ace. Unfortunately Ace and Cooper had trouble getting along which was too bad, Ace is a good dog. 
However, in the interest of keeping the dogs safe we choice not to go through with the adoption. We thought perhaps a puppy might do better.

So here's Roxy. She's about 2 months old. She is a coon hound/shepard mix. So far Cooper is doing okay with her but gets a little rough as he still thinks he's a small lap dog.

Sami just stays out of the fray. She's a smart dog.