Hello! My name is Lisa and I am a smoker.
I started smoking around about the time I was 17, which means I have been a smoker for about 25 years. Brian was a smoker when I met him too. Somehow he managed to drop cigarettes like a hot potato several years ago. He can't figure out why it's not so easy for me to quit.
I quit through my pregnancies and once for a year and 1/2. About 6 months after I quit (during that year and a half) my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. He had a lobectomy (part of his lung removed). I am happy to say he has been cancer free for 5 years today. After watching him go through that I thought I will never smoke again. Which only goes to prove never say never.
This past week we brought our son to the doctor and he managed to work around with the doctor that he would like me to quit so that I would live to see him graduate from high school, which is only a few short years away. My husband piped up that he had heard me on the phone with my sister asking her about the electronic cigarette. Of course the doctor started saying she had several patients who swear by it.
So... I have ordered one and we will see.
I know someone who quit cold turkey with one of those!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
Thanks Katherine. I received it in the mail yesterday and haven't had a "real' cigarette for 24 hours now!
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