Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Wildlife:Hummingbird

We must have at least 10 birds fighting over the feeder this year. They are getting ready for the migration back south ( I wish I was going with them. I hate winter!) I have had to fill the feeder everyday usually the feeder will last a week. When it's empty they sit out there and stare in the window. I've been waiting for the day that they start knocking to let me know it's empty!
Excuse the dirty window... I didn't realize it was until I saw the video.

Monday, August 13, 2012

More Landscaping....

I came up with a new outdoor project for "us" (Brian & I) to do.
This is our driveway. I want to put lattice across the front to block more of the road. 
Doing something like this all the way across the front (except for the driveway)
Then plant vines like English Ivy & Clematis.

I just have to convince Brian it's his idea!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Wildlife:Baby Robins And Hawks

On July 29th I heard a commotion outside. There sat Cooper and Roxy sniffing at the ground and robins swooping around them squawking.  There was a baby robin on the ground. I look up and see a hawk. I suppose he heard all the noise, which must be a dinner signal.
I brought the dogs in hoping the robins would be able to get there baby back in the nest. I couldn't put it back because the nest was in a odd and very high place in a tree.
I went out an hour later and found this.
I think it's a hawk feather. The baby robin was still there and alive. So the robins must have ganged up on the hawk to chase it away. I decided to put the baby in a bowl and put by our shed so it would have a little shelter and the adult robins could still feed it.
It jumped out of the bowl...
When I checked the next morning I didn't see it anywhere, I hope the baby made it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Widlife: Porcupine


Back on the 18th of July we had a commotion with Cooper. I let the trio out about 10:45. Sami always comes back first. She's afraid she might miss food (you never know when someone might decided to snack & then drop something.) True to form, Sami came in first.


Then Cooper will come in, followed by Roxy. As the youngest Roxy has the most energy to burn.

However on the 18th Roxy came in before Cooper and I, thinking how strange that was, went to our sliding glass door to find Cooper. Who sat on the deck with his butt the only thing in view. I opened the door and called to Cooper and saw quills all over his front paw.

Thank God Brian was home. I held Cooper and pet him while my paramedic husband practiced his job on our dog!
I hope Cooper remembers this animal and runs the other way every time he sees one!