Saturday, November 10, 2012

America (Or The Good, Bad & Ugly)

I hate to get into politics. The fact is we all have our own beliefs and concerns but I find it upsetting how people are so sure they are absolutely right.  I have seen on my own facebook page.. disturbing posts.
Then I came across this... accident or protest..I don't

I don't care who wins,or who loses ... me or you.. Congratulations.. good sport or sore loser......this is America .. we voted ..democracy.. freedom...  Now let's get on with it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday Wildlife: Grouse

So I hear a loud thud coming from the back of my house. It's deer opener this weekend so I was wondering if someone shot our house. I go outside and there is this grouse laying outside our bedroom window. Poor thing broke it's neck ( I assume).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Slowing Down

This time of the year is always a crap shoot for us. We lost our daughter 5 years ago on her 15th birthday. Many people feel 5 years is a long time but for us it almost always feels like yesterday. So everything slows down or maybe it's just us that slow down.
This my way of saying sorry for disappearing at times. Sometimes I need to take a break to think or find something mindless so I don't have to think.
Alyssa's Memorial site